Monday, December 8, 2008

i think i have set a record
so long never post ler... actually now i feel that there is nothing to post AT ALL
i want school to reopen now, its so boring to be cooped up at home with nothing to do
actually not nothing to do, cuz i finally found a game that is more fun than Getamped and CABAL
Perfect World International
Although i have only played it for a while, it is actually a very promising game
It has everything I want in a game, apart from two things:
1. Weird angle controls - You have to use the rightmouse button to move th camera angle
2. Chinese Theme - the game was developed my chinese developers


its 2.4GB to download btw. so decide it well!

Monday, November 17, 2008

nvr blog longlong ler
dont feel like blogging
nothing much to blog.
perhaps due to the fact that its the holiday
holidays are so boring :P
actually now that its the hols, i wish that its school, cuz at least theres something interesting to do.
now during holiday its like... so boring cuz theres nothing to do.
maybe i should blame the class for this:
come to think of it, the last class outing we had to the movies was very well managed.
at least it had a better turnout rate, as compared to the previous ones
lihong must jyjy for CEC monitor next year.:P
actually, high school musical 3's soundtrack is really good.
the movie was crap, plot was messy;
but the soundtrack is great
there is a great variety of songs
from romantic, to rock, to pop.
my recommendation is "Can I Have This Dance"

its really meaningful :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

quantum of solace is a really nice movie.
im bloggin in ernest's house now, and his house is damm cool =.=
matthew, and jerome are at his house to. they're playing halo3 now...
we just watched quantum of solace and its a brilliant action flick. thumbs up!
1 year has passed super duper quick, and now its the end of school already :P

i think this song " What time is it?" from HSM2 can really express my feelings now!

no time to blog ler, sorry~~
need to rush for class outing or lihong will screw me :P
but anyways , ive watched HSM3, and i found it boring compared to the previous 2 HSMs.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

its been super long since ive blogged, and i know it..
its only that i dont feel like blogging.
especially when the past week has been moving extremely slow.
theres another 2 more days till the hols
for the past week, apart from monday, we have been receiving back our results and going through review and reflect lesson for the various subjects
for the past year, ive noticed that life in RI has been going at a really fast speed.
definitely much faster than in primary school.
despite this, this week has been super slow, especially when we are going through the answers.
when i got back my results, i was quite disappointed as i didnt reach my target of a 3.6
instead, i got a 3.53...
my worst 2 subjects were mathematics and chinese, as usual, :P
anyways, with only 2 more days to the hols, i feel that i shouldnt be complaining!
the class outing is going to be organized by lihong very soon, and theyve decided on a movie in bishan.

what movie, its not selected yet though.
i think high school musical 3 would be a good choice though.
i just recently watched hsm at home at i was quite thrilled with the whole show in all.
its a lighthearted show that can cheer you up in no time :P

btw, heres a message to lihong:~ jiayoux for being monitor next year!~
you can read his blog by checking my links section( exits).
thats all for now anyways, maybe 2moro ill blog again?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the exams are finally over, and I cant wait to celebrate!
sadly though, the exams ended with a difficult paper.
i didnt expect such a difficult paper, as last year's paper was super easy.
i suppose its due to the fact that mr chandru is the maths head this year...
but now that my exam is over, i have to spend time to coach my sister. its like taking the whole exam again, and my sister is not helping.
i keep on making worksheets for her, but she just looks at the first question, and decides that the whole worksheet is difficult. really waste my time lor.
i wouldnt want to coach her if my parents didnt nag me to do so.
just today, the condominium i was living in had a scheduled power cut.
it was like, the whole room dark, the air still, and to put it simply, without electricity, it was HELL
infact, now in retrospect, i feel that without electricity, we wouldnt be able to function.
everything would be dark and stuffy, as the lights and fan wouldnt work; we wouldnt be able to use our computers, watch tv, or even cool things down in the fridge.
looks like electricity is really a must, even with the price soaring.

heres a lively and hip song by wilberpan,


i really felt quite high after hearing this song and watching the dance moves,despite it being about 3 years old. some songs just dont lose their punch after a few years, like this song.
this song also features angela chang, before she became famous with the song,
Ying Xing De Chi Bang( transparent wings)

this song is soulful and melodic, with angela showing off her powerful vocals.
lastly, to hype up the mood, this song by S.H.E, Mei Li Xin Shi Jie ( Beautiful New World)
is a cute and lively song, although the beginning, which is in japanese, is a little monotonic.

really hope you all like the 3 songs i recommended today!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

yups, i know its long since ive posted, but cuz its the exam, so i cant post =.=
anyways, this post will be a short one, just promoting these 2 songs
the first song,
jj lin-xiao jiu wo - 林俊傑lin jun jie jj&蔡卓妍 ah sa
is a romantic duet. i was quite surprised that Jin Sha didnt sing the duet with him though, cuz she did for the past 2 duets.
this song is from his new album, "always online"
the second song,
ni zuo tian qiao,wo zou di xia dao
is a song from Derrick Ho's first album
its quite a nice song, isnt it?

okay, im try to post more after the exams!

Friday, October 3, 2008

yups, today was the RE congress!
its actually pretty boring and we ended up playing "freeze and melt", "marco polo", and lihong's self invented card game in class.
then matthew had a crazy spree of _____.
yar,fill in the blanks >.<
anyway, after the congress thing, me,lihong,and jiawei went to eat at LJS.
the food there is simply delicious, apart from the fact that its a little bit small portions.
then after that, we followed jiawei to MiniToons to buy a present for his judo coach's 1 y/o baby
he actually spent like $50 in one go leh... so richh
then i saw the shop selling this thing called "barrel of slime" , and lihong wanted it too, so we bought it at 2 for $2

hahax its quite fun playing with it lol, i feel like im back in primary school
so, later we went back home 2gether

ohya, i havent wrote about the movie ,

which is simply brilliant-e
i actually though the movie was great, especially in the beginning. the story is about how 2 ordinary citizens are threatened by an unknown caller to do terrorist acts. as the story unfolds, it is noticed that the caller is a computer, ARIA, who was developed by the Defense Force to store all data on it.
ARIA has complete control over the technological parts of the city; for example, the trafficlights, trains, phones, security cameras,GPS, and even the Internet, etc.
this allows for thrilling action scenes, such as in the beginning, where the two citizens drive a car through the streets, following the instructions of ARIA appearing on the GPS screen.

but still, the ending is a little cliche and boring, but it has succeeded in making the audience apprehensive in using technology.

this show is a must watch, and it delivers, not surprisingly when steven spielberg played pivotal role in the development of the movie.

a must watch !!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

tomorrow is a public holiday!
anyway, 2day was children's day in my sister's school, and she brought back alot of stuff from the celebrations.
then she got this bubble-blower thing. its actually some paste which can be put onto a straw and blown to become a bubble.
then i blew a bubble with it,(actually i tried 4 times and failed =.=)
its a very nice looking one :P
then my sister blew a small one, and she was playing with both of them
one was big, and the other smaller,
then both accidentally stuck to each other, and it looked like a snowman haha
like they mated or sumthing~

anyways, 2moro a couple of us are going to j8 and watch the movie Eagle Eye

here's the sypnosis:

Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) and Rachel Holloman (Monaghan) are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situation, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. As the situation escalates, these two ordinary people become the country's most wanted fugitives, who must work together to discover what is really happening -– and more importantly, why.

it sounds quite interesting though

so we're going to gather at Macs at about 12.45
so to those who arent coming, too bad :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

殺手 Sha Shou - 林俊杰 JJ
this is one of the most scary songs, and scary MVs ive heard so far.
its a really dark song. the video is so dark that it was censored in singapore
thats why i decided not to post the video.

its one of the best songs ive heard.
definitely must listen!
okay, the first song here,
雨天yu tian - sunyanzi
if a very touching and emotional song.
i heard it right after the news that i didnt make it through to the finals of spotlight
"谁能体谅我的雨天 所以情愿回你身边"
"Who out there, can comfort me?"
i felt that this song really tied in with my feelings at that time, sad, confused, and disappointed.
but ive gotten over it now, most likely it was due to the fact that my voice is still developing, thats why my throat still hurts now and then.

but... even after something in your life has failed, and you feel very disappointed,
theres always hope and never stop trying!this song,
is a song about hope, endurance, and " never stop trying".
我们是不是该知足 "
"look at the world now,
how many people, are still living to make sure they survive,
shouldnt we feel contented with what we have?"

when ever we feel disappointed and dejected, just remember that there are people who are worse off than you, people who are living for the sake of living,
while youu most probably have just failed a class test.

yups, this weeks recommended songs tie in with my thoughts now, im happy to say!

also, just wondering, how many of you bother to listen to the songs i recommend?
cuz gradually, i feel that my blog is turning into a place where i can filter the songs ive heard, and promote good songs to you!

do continue to support my blogg!
so many things happened during the past few days, and im going to post some songs too!

on tuesday the results of the preliminary auditions for rafflesian spotlight have been realeased and i wasnt selected, so never mind =.=
anyway ill JYJY de, thanks for all the support you all ppl have given me!
also on the same day, we had the science practical theory, and i dont think i screwed it up ^.^


then on wednesday, something happened that made me quite lol-ing
halfway through lunch, when i had went back to class, there was a loud commotion outside our classroom.
i went out and i saw a group of neighbouring class people crowding around in a circle and looking at something on the floor.
when i went nearer, i realised that someone had actually been injured and was bleeding at the head, and lying on the floor, with a tissue paper at the site of injury, trying to stop the blood flow, which obviously didnt work >.<

anyway, i heard people discussing, and it was mentioned that he had been pushed accidentally in the class and feel, with his head hitting the edge of the table
then i was like wondering, how come he would be outside if he was injured?
and there was like a huge load of people surrounding him, and no one helped.
only slightly later, a teacher walked by and they enlisted her help.
which means out geography class was started late as our geog teacher had to attend to this matter, which anyway later she said it was not really serious and they did not need to call an ambulance.
i really pity xinmeng, the person who was injured, coz he always seems to be injured at critical moments. last year, he injured his right hand about 1-2 months b4 the PSLE, and now he injures his head 3weeks b4 EOYS...

but anyway some good news after some depressing ones,
ytd we did our practical test, and im quite happy to write that i obtained good samples of charcoal and iron fillings.
then i went to heat the copper2sulphate solution and prolly cuz i was lucky, i stopped at the time where my teacher said that heating was to be stopped for safety reasons.
and after i left it to cool, i noticed crystals forming on the surface already, so i was pretty excited.
anyway, i left it overnight at the science lab, and today, when i went to obtained the crystals, i was extremely happy cuz i was worried that there might not be samples to obtain, but i had so much that some people took my sample =.=
most prolly ill get the 4 marks for the practical part, whoopee!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

its a brilliantly rousing and uniting song in celebration of asean 40th anniversary in 2006 by stefanie sun

thumbs up!
surprise surprise !

last time to enter my blog, you all have to type

ive made it simplier for you!

you all just have to type in

just this
modify all your links to me now!
this is the 51st Post!
Actually was hoping that the 50th post would not be about something unpleasant, but it is
anyway, more about the chem practical test we had today
we did the theory part today which comprises 80% of the whole paper! tomorrow ill post about the practical part hehe
anyway, we had to write down the procedure to seperate these 3 samples : charcoal, iron fillings, and copper (II) sulphate.
so in brief,
to obtain iron fillings , use magnet,
add water to copper2sulphate and charcoal mixture, filtrate through so that the soluble copper2sulphate would be collected as filtrate and charcoal collected as residue
afterwards, leave charcoal to dry
then boil filtrate till saturated and allow for evaporation and crystalization
but i 4got to write that we were supposed to "wash" the copper2sulphate crystals after the crystalization. in other words, to add a bit of water to purify it. hopefully will get good marks haha
wish me good luck
then as i was coming home from sch with lihong, we were debating on the Cut off point for each respective school during psle.
in the end i won the argument with this :
example 100 people want to enter XXXsch, but XXXsch only have 50 places
therefore, to enter that sch, you would need to be in the upper 50 of the 100 hopefuls.
the school will rank your scores in order, and pick the top 50 only. therefore, i concluded that your entrance to the school is dependant on your position among the applicants. even if you score 299, but the top 50 out of 100 all score 300, you wont get a place =.=

therfore, to calculate the COP, we get the 50th pupil ( the last pupil) who managed to enter the school's PSLE score.
in other words:
49th person = 256
50th person= 255
51th person = 254
the COP is therefore 255, and the 51th person didnt manage to enter.


convincing arguement rite?!?
here's more proof of my previous post: jerome confirmed with me that illyas liked to sabo people during primary school too.
and now i have become his next victim.... haix
so if you believe in me, do spread the word!

Monday, September 22, 2008

im in computer studies class now. just before CS started, something unpleasant happened and im very angry with illyas over this incident.before the class started, the teacher cam eout and told the class that someone had banged the door. then illyas kept on saying that it was me, when i knew i hadnt done it ! i didnt know who did it, but illyas claimed that he saw me bang the door. i super pissed off with him now. i do not know why he wanted to sabo me in class, and infront of everyone. in fact, after i heard what illyas said, i feel that he was the culprit and wanted to hide the fact from others and pin me as the culprit.
haix, life is just unfair,
hope that if you all believe in me, and that i was not the culprit, to pass the message on.
if you all dont believe me, then all i have to say is that illyas has succeeded

Saturday, September 20, 2008

its been long since ive posted, due to more time spent into mugging...

早安,晨之美! - 盧廣仲

its a song which i quite like this week.
the lyrics are pretty boring, but the tune is great.
its bound to get you feeling refreshed, due to the rhythm of the song.

do hope you like this song !

Yi Zhi Dou Zai 一直都在 - Wee Kheng Ming and Zhang Jing

is a song from the Channel8 TV Drama, Ai Zai Ni Zuo You
a duet between two moderaetely famous singers, it is certainly refreshing like the first song. maybe due to the depressing mood of the EOYs nearing, i seem to take on the funkiness of this songs to cheer up my mood.
btw, unless there has been a mistake, our school term ends 4th November, 10 day earlier than the normal term end.
woots ~ !

Sunday, September 14, 2008

yupps, i got first prize in the contest, and the prize was a crummy china-made MP3 player which stinks.
anyway, i took part for the fun of it.

actually i feel very bad about winning, cuz there were 4 contestants, including me, and 1 was my sister, and one other person forgot the lyrics. =.=*||

anyway, its just a platform for me to practice before i do on rafflesian spotlight.

you all better cherish this video cuz i spent half the day uploading it. seriously wasted my time.

just to let you all view more videos, this next vid is another vid of me singing on national day last year. check out the progress i have made ^.^

hope you all like it

thats all of the videos i have to show, maybe if the response is good ill post more videos on other stuff related to me too!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

drinking essence of chicken during exams?

the first week of term 4 has just passed and im not glad.
theres like less 7 days to the EOYs
End Of Years = End Of You and me = EOY
i read in a newspaper report that the sales of Chicken Essence peaks at the Term4 period, just like how sales of Christmas cards peaks at Christmas.
i feel that this is mainly due to the parent's efforts in hoping that their children can score better marks. i dont think any child would want to drink it on their own.
however, the only benefit of Chicken's Essence is that there is an increased amount of concentration due to high sugar levels in the essence, which means it is equals to High GI ( glucose index)
the lower to glucose index, the more healthy the food is. besides, the chickenessence only boosts the ability to concentrate for a short amount of time, where thereafter the drinker will feel less energized.
therefore, it can be concluded that chicken's essence is not really useful.

but being singaporean, we like to be kiasu.we like to think this can help,
while it cannot...
remember the post about the auditions in school?
well, i think that ill most likely be selected, but thats not the point.
the management commitee of the condominium im living in organized a Mid Autumn Festival Celebration event, and they have many activities such as a SoloSinging Competition.
so, in a bid to prepare myself incase i get selected to perform in school, i decided to participate in this contest, and sing the song Unbelievable by CraigDavid. its a way to prepare myself.
anyway, another factor is that the prizes are quite good, and its in the name of fun too.
its happening in 3 hours time today ^.^
yupps, 7.40 pm. my sister is also participating with the song " FengLing" WindChime - by Joi Chua
my mum is going to record my whole performance, so im gonna post the video up 2moro bahx
wish me good luck !

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Benjamin Tagged Me, Thats why im doing this TEDIOUS task, so that i can torture other people

1. The person who tagged me...

2. Your relationship with him/her...
Um, Classmate, and now sitting near me

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her...
Loves $$ ( cuz he is a treasurer)
Always Tired
Super Emo ( he admits it himself )
very boring to socialise with

4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you...
collect class fund from me? ( in other words, taking my $$ >.<)
or maybe helping out greatly when buying Teachers Day Prezzies

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you...
"can't you post more?"

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
hellooooo, he's a BOY. and i ain't ghey

7. If he/she becomes your lover, one thing he/she will have to improve on will be...
be more sociable and lively instead of very emo everyday

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
nothing la, i dun wan make enemies
more friends better hor

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...
Cuz he likes suanning people like me
anyway just tolerate him more lor

10. You want to tell for now he/she is...
a nice classmate to have but you better work on your bad points

11. Your overall impression of him/her is...
Dont Work on Projects with him ! youll die of excess emo-gases in the air

12. How do you think people around you feel about you?
over-managing, loves pulling people's dicks =.=
13. The character you love about yourself is...
I can SING super well...

14. On the contrary, what you hate about yourself is...
I'm quite ugly =.=

15. The most ideal person you want to be is...
A good singer who doesnt have really good looks, like:
TANK cuz he can compose, sing, and play a variety of instruments
Super Talented Guy =.=

16. For people who care and like you, say something to them...
I will care and like you too!

17. Pass this on to 10 people to see how they feel about you...
1. Li Hong
2. Jia Wei
3. Ah Fong Ka Jie
4. Perry Teo
5. Isaac
6. Benjamin
7. Shaun Sia ( dunno wads his blogURL)
8. Yin Yide ( same as 7.)
9. Matthew Tjoeng
10.I'll keep it empty for the time being, to be filled in soon, when i meet the person ive been waiting for ....

again, heres the song i sang for the auditions
Unbelievable - Craig David

unbelievable - craig david

i reposted this song to let you all hear it, incase you havent =.=
finally the auditions are over, i think i did well
i entered the room and it was a student judging me, but anyway the judge was very professional
i only sang the first verse and one chorus
the judge said that i could hit every note perfectly, but maintained that i had little eye contact with the audience, which i said was due to me being nervous cuz i had a sore throat >.<
anyway, i think i have a good chance, though i didnt manage to hear the other soloists or groups

wish me luck!@!
遇見 Yu Jian
Stefanie Sun
The Moment

Yu Jian - Sun Yan Zi

You all have to listen to this song, its really emo and sad...
If you really like it, watch the video on youtube,
its quite a humourous video

its also the best song ive heard this week ^.^

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

our chem teacher is Ms Liew...
more updates to come

Monday, September 8, 2008

this week the song that i felt was really nice is
Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian
By JJ Lin and Kym Jin Sha
Its a really romantic song

Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian - JJ Lin Jun Jie, Jin Sha

thumbs up for this one!
if you have any recomendations, do tell me the name, and i will listen to it at my own time to evaluate it ^.^
well its the first day of term 4 ~
and it turned out to be nice
during the holidays i was so frigging bored ya know... nothing much to do during the hols
so when i came back to school, i felt super enthusiastic and full of energy, until matthew said i was "extra" >.<
anyway, nothing much has changed, everyone was like normal, including the SCREWY VISUALIZER
i actually told mr pang to report to the technical dept. b4 the hols, and today i reminded him and he told me that he had forgotten... this made me think:
if teachers can forget things, then why are we NOT allowed to forget things eh?
thats some fodder for the teachers
something i felt very irritated at was that they had changed the format we use to login to use the school computers.
now each of us has an induvidualized account, so that if we do anything wrong, we can be caught and punished...

thats all i have about the first day worth your knowing
I know its pretty long since I have blogged ler, partly due to me feeling unwell during the weekend, and the boringness of the holidays…
Ill update it soon about the first day of school, and update my playlist, and give you the best song ive heard/remembered this week ^.^
More posts to come…sure promise!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

gave my present over to the teacher, then i helped about in any errand, that was about what i did, LOL

anyway, happy belated teachers day to mdm lee!

Monday, September 1, 2008

im going back to my old school 2moro ler,
and i bought an album for my teacher, mdmlee
blessed by joi chua
hopefully she'll like it
im helping the choir instead of going to the classouting, which i noe will be a failure
sorry matthew ^.^
how big can a MRT station get??
very big, in the case of Dhoby Ghaut station, so big that there are two Passenger Service Counters, and more than 10 escalators.
on the day of the rico concert, me, jiawei and lihong decided to meet at 6pm at Dhoby Ghaut Interchange. I reached at about 5.55pm and i went to the passengerservice counter. at about 6pm, lihong called me and said he was at the service counter too...and we spent 15 mins finding each other as it turned out that we were at different counters in the same MRT station ... quite irritating it was...
then we went to plaza singapura to have dinner at macdonalds, and i upsized my meal as i was feeling superbly hungrii
lihong was trying to take pictures of me, but to no avail ^^

after that we went over to outram park and changed over to TanjongPagar.
actually, despite the largeness of the station, i must admit that it is very pleasing to the eye and the design is very nice, perhaps they should use the same architect for other projects

the singapore conference hall was quite near to the station, so we didnt have trouble finding it
thanks goodness

the performance was SUPERB, and many of the rico members were highly talented and skilled.
if you missed the performance, then too bad, you missed a brilliant show,
in fact, some classmates from other races, like ashwin and illyas also attended this performance.
this shows that you do not need to understand chinese to understand chinese music, am i right??

there was a part which was the percussion solo, with patrick, on of our PSLs, leading the percussion group.
before the performance started, some girls from probably RGS shouted Patrick JiaYoux
i think patrick felt quite nervous after that ^.^
later on the girls gave him flowers too... looks like he has more fanz than matthewtjeong JKJK

it was really a nice performance, and i returned home super happy i didnt miss this show

Sunday, August 31, 2008

its 4.55 pm now, and im leaving the house at 5pm,so that ill reach dhoby guat interchange at 6pm to have dinner with lihong and jiawei, before we go together to Tanjong Pagar and walk to the Singapore Conference Hall to enjoy:
Voices of the Dragon 9

Its a bi-ennual production by the RI Chinese Orchestra ( RICO)
actually im not that interested, but due to the myRIad festival, we have to do a review on one performance by the RIMGs, and this is the last performance available...

ill come back from the concert at about 10.30 pm, so i wont be blogging about it till 2moro


Friday, August 29, 2008

so what if the weather is sunny? you still act this way, why dont you all learn
today is teacher's day
i went to school very tired as i slept very late ytd
den had to get the whole class to sign their names on the presents, but it all turned out well
the performance was super nice, but too short already, and i dont feel like talking about it in detail, why dont u go to my frenz blog at the links corner to check the performance out? the weather was very good ytd, and good for today morning too, until about 10am, when it started to drizzle after the performance, so i couldnt play Basketball 2gether with other classmates, so i went to macs with nicholasneo to have breakfast. the sausage egg mc muffin is quite nice...but not cheap ^^

hopefully we'll have sunny skies ahead until the EOY!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

woots, its teacher's day eve...
it might be good for the teachers,
but its not exactly good for the students, especially on the wallets ^.^
actually i didnt spend much on the teachers in the end...
for my own personal gifts, i only spent $5.80
$2.90 on a fake flower,
and $2.90 on a mug with a soft toy

I'm cheapskate rite?? >.<

Actually, i didnt feel the need to give more as the class is already combining money to give certain teachers nice gifts.
for example, as our form teacher, mr pang, is the basketball CCA IC,
we have decided to buy him a basketball with ALL our names on it. we're going to sign it with a black marker and hopefully it will be a great memorabilia for him

we got somemore presents as a class for other teachers, like
mrs chua
mrs selvan
ms sung
mr chandru
mr pang, duhx
mr lim
mr bernard chan

talking about mr chan, he just "threatened" us ytd that our CCT marks would depd on our presents >.<>

so today, right after school dismiss, me, leemong, benjy, jerome and jiawei chionged to J8 to buy some presents as "representative" of our class. we went to world of sports to check out their basketballz, but jiawei and leemong said that those Basketballs were not good enough. so we went to converse, but didnt settle on a decision, Yet.

after that, we went to the 4th storey where there were an array of gifts shops. this was were we bought majority of the presents.
as after that our legs were super SORE, we went to macs to get a meal. matthew then joined us at mcdonalds.
i bought a nuggets student meal cuz i needed money for my own gifts ^.^
erome left halfway through the meal for some theory of music lesson

anyway after that lihong decided to buy the basketball at world of sports as it was cheaper and had more variety. then when we were about to go up, matthew had to go to the toilet, and we ran off without him, but when we were on the escalator, he saw us ( actually he saw lihong first ^^)
then he chased us ^^

anyway after buying the ball, jiawei and lihong had to go home, and that left us with matthew, me and benjy
some person from 1P which was frenz with matt joined us too.
so we went back to buy our own personal presents

ended up benjy had to carry almost all the present =P

he was pissed with us... VERY pissed

hopefully 2moro's teachers day would be a nice one, i dont feel like going back to my prisch..
theres no good memories, apart from a few negligible onees, and i wanna leave them behind, and make them just the baggage of life i have...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

hi people
from this week onwards, every week, im going to post a song which i feel is very nice, through various criteria.
so for this week,
i have this brilliant touching song by JJ Lin Jun Jie,

Hui You Na Me Yi Tian - lin jun jie

its one of the most touching i heard, and when i heard it , i almost cried ^^

apart from the songs, im going to audition for the Rafflesian Spotlight Competition !
and im going to sing Unbelievable - By Craig David !!

unbelievable - craig david

somehow, the weather still sux ^^

hopefully it will clear up within a few days...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i seriously dont believe it! during my last post, i wrote that i was blogging in CS lesson rite? and guess what? my CS teacher was doing spot checks to see who was not doing their work, the first time it has ever happened. Almost half the class was caught playing games, etc. but I wasn’t caught ! I supposed that when the other helper was using a remote computer to “spy” on my terminal, it so happened that the teacher walked past my computer, so I alt-tab and the other helper saw the screen which was work. Im really lucky ya noe.
Today’s weather was horrid! During assembly, it was raining nonstop and the rain came down in torrents, such that the whole busstop and pavement outside our side gate was FLOODED. So pissed off. And as the pavement was next to a road , when some car was driving at a super fast speed, the water splashed all over me, jiawei and jerome when we were going for bubbletea. Jiawei was nearest to the road, I at the centre and jerome at the furthest.jiawei was soaked THROUGHOUT while I was up to knee length and jerome didn’t even have a drop of water. Can you imagine my damp socks, and wearing them for another 3.5 hours because I had to go for math remedial. The math remedial was really great and I really improved my algebra a lot. But there is still one question which im unsure of:
a:c:e = b:d:f
Find (a-b):(c-d):(e-f)
Even the helper had a problem explaining it to me ^.^

check out my new playlist in my jukebox
the last week of term3 is bound to be exciting...for me that is
today were having the prefectorial elections voting. im blogging in cs class actually hehe
im not sure who im voting for though, maybe ill put in a NULL vote.

the last couple of days would be quite fun, and friday we're having teachers' day celebrations.
i though since it was during the holidays, we were not going to celebrate teacher's day.
but ended up it was carried forward. looks like ill have to give presents again >.<
what should i give ah? maybe some red pens?
im not sure which teacher to give to anyway. there are TOO many
the list of teacher im giving to:
Mr Pang (formteacher) --- a red pen
Mr Chandru (math teacher) --- a book of math puzzles ( :P)
Mrs Selvan ( English Teacher ) --- A poetry book or maybe a mug
Ms Sung (chinese teacher) --- dunno... redpen bahx

Mrs Chua/Ms Sim (geography) --- redpen

thats all i think, unless i think of more...
im not sure whether ill be able to get the "un-redpens"
so redpens itll be for all ^^

im only lvl 101 in cabal, and i havent completed the rank up yet... but happily, all my armour is +5 already
its very tough for an fb to do the rank up as it involved going to EOD minimum 2x to get 50 mission coins from
a) icebabayaga
b) frozen slaughter zombie

icebabayaga ive completed alreay, in ONE go, cuz its easy

but frozen slaughter zombie is so difficult, you need to go very deep in, and they can hit you about 300 damage
so im waiting for guild members to login with me and go together,

Also, as i wanna get completer soon, ive decided to leave the computer on at night while my character trains at training dummy. hopefully i can reach it in 3 days for sword and 3 days for magic ( one week total ^^)

according to jerome, above level 90, i can train skill at dummy without having a 30% limit
also, if i use novice skill at lvl 9, ill be able to spam skills faster, and consuming less MP too.
infact, the MP regained is at the same rate, if not faster, than the skill spam usage ^^
did you notice something weird about the weather?
the whole weekend it was raining nonstop,
and then when school on monday started, the weather became so fine...
maybe the government's controlling the weather? :P
the end of the second last weekend before septemberhols.
surely it would be packed and full?
last friday the RE presentation was over, and the only mishap was Jikeet saying our mentor's name as Mrs Sung...
She's Ms Sung and its easy to wonder why >.<

The later was the Chinese Play Rehearsal. We had prepared 3 scenes, but in the end, the first scene was enough to cover the 5 minutes timing ^.^

Our Science Experiment about melting ice succeded with more than 70% remaining unmelted.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

nation war seriously sux....
tower of the dead is pwning me
stupid lvl100 rank up quest...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I just realised something ya noe, when work, test, and project deadlines come, they ALL come at the same time. For example, Today, we had Physics CCT, then the next lesson is Philosophy CCT. Then guess what? Tomorrow we have 3 projects.
1. Physics. Some thermal physics experiment in class.
2. Chinese Drama. We have to act out a part in our script for about 5 mins.
3. RE presentation. Presentation for Research Education. Need i say more?

And, next week is still CCT week, with much more exams to come.
And i just receive a bloody thick revision paper from our maths teacher. about 100 pages? lets die~

anyway, i cr8ed a facebook account already. everyone quickly add me ^.^

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

today was one of the weirdest day for me...

I went to school, and the school bus was slightly late, so we reached school later than usual, and then when i reached school, everyone was busy with their creativewritingpoetry portfolio, but i already did i, only then i realise that i didnt bring the drafts for the three poems! I was so fed up with myself but anyway i decided to quickly write out the draft again, during the FTI period , then my form teacher saw it and confiscated it... lyk WDH!
anyway lucky during recess i got it back, but during english lesson, the teacher needed to use the bloody visualiser, then the visualiser started to screw itself. it was spoilt and i couldn't fix it! So pissed off, somemore the whole class was looking at me lyk " what u cant fix it" that kind of look
hey people, you think everything can be fixed so easily, somemore with just some tiny piece of blutack? i did my best and u all are so ungrateful!
anyway, nothing much happened after that until maths, when mr chandru singled me out and told the whole class that i didnt do that well in the test because i hadnt brought a calculator, lyk it was completely my fault?
what mr chandru fails to realise is that people have times when they didnt bring stuff, like how there was once he didnt bring his pencil case and had to borrow from my classmates rite?

but the funniest part of my day was during lunch and the lesson after. during lunch, everyone was having little fights that were being recorded down, so if you wanna see them, go check out mii links ^^

then during CLE, the teacher caught our class monitor matthew using his handphone in class and she confiscated it. and because we were learning a topic about love and crushes, she though it would be funny to send a message to the first girl name she saw in the contact list. she wrote : " i really love you but i didnt dare to tell u before" to a girl called cheryl yip in his contact list. anyway that was what she told us.
actually, she hadnt pressed the send button, but the message and receipient was really typed out. during the end of the lesson she revealed the truth and then illyas said to her " i bet you didnt send because you dont dare" and then our class kept chanting it and in the end she sent the message. hahas

poor luck matthew !

i have some test tommorow i think ( notice the word i think !) so i better go and study... hmm


Sunday, August 17, 2008

CCTs with CabalOnline

its been a long time since ive posted i think...
due to the CCTs which aren't over yet, and a sudden rush of projects with very close deadline...haix

just on friday Ravin(who is seating next to me) had to change place with Li Hong ( Lee Mong ).

So its pretty sad cuz me and ravin have developed some frenship >.<

But some good news: As of now, my Cabal JustMeWayne is LvL 97 ler!
this means that I have 1 more level to Patren,patren quest ( which i will repeat from 98-100) and 3 more levels to the big 100~!
why big 100? cuz it makes the 2 digit jump into 3 digit! btw, congratz to Perry for reaching lvl 100 first than me ^^( u can read his blog - check out my links section *)

the first 4 things i will do when i reach lvl 100:
1. Rank Up Quest ( heard its tough) duh...
and maybe complete Patren,patren quest ( see how 1st)
2. PvP people / go war channel (finnaly)
3. Go shopping in CC1 ~! ( buy shineguard bahx)
4. Celebrate with GuildMembers, BL, and PerryTeo! ( maybe EoD/ RS party - see hw first ^^)

hmmm. muz JYJY!

But mostly likely i wont hit 100 so soon cuz CCTs have just started and will rear their ugly head for another irritaiting 2 weeks
practically all the subjects ( thats 11) will have tests. some will be harder, some will be easier, so i must mug lyk crazy.
besides, PTM forms have already been given out and my Chinese teacher specially requested to see my parents so im DEAD

but with an average GPA of 3.6 in total , i dont thinks that's bad eh?


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beijing Olympics V.S. NDP 08

2 Parades
2 Days
Bejing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony
National Day Parade 2008 Shine!

On friday, when i watched the BJOlympicsOpeningCeremony, i was super-duperly awed by the ceremony.
The ceremony was brilliant and it featured many aspects of Chinese culture, not to mention the massive amount of performers, with each Act featuring 2008 performers!

I felt that the best part of the performance was the lighting of the torch. Li Ning, the final torchbearer, was lifted off the ground with strings before he was brought AROUND the stadium upper walls. The whole finale of the torchrelay was brilliant!

He would then light the torch at the top of the stadium.

I relli think that London would have a big problem trying to match the Bejing Olympic's Opening Ceremony in 4 years time 2012.

In fact, after watching the opening ceremony, I didn't feel like watching the NDP anymore, because i felt that NDP would be inferior to the Olympics.

But despite the magnificent BejingOlympics OpeningCeremony, the NDP tugged the heartstrings more as its closer to Singapore. This year's NDP featured more aspects of the Singaporean Community, and despite the heavy drizzle in 40 years of NDP, the performers still did their best and didn't let Singapore down!

Happy National Day


PS: Congratz to TaoLi for passing the qtrfinals

Thursday, July 31, 2008


History Test is over and im dead. Yay?
History is realli a difficult and boring subject. dumb inferences and contextualisation.
not to mention that mrchan doesnt noe how to teach at all!
Few more MINUTES to English Compre, im going to be screwed again lol.

But my cabal account finnaly ,lvl 80. i visted undead ground and its lyk bloodyice , so boring haha
spend lyk 1 hour buying osmium and upgrading it. cant wait for lvl82 and get epaulet+6.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CabalKorea- Chaos Arena

Chaos Arena in CabalKorea.
BETA testing in CabalSEA

Amazing Map. Monsters and Skills!
Hope they Release soonsoon in SEA

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

We just celebrated racialharmony day... Ill let the pictures speak for themselves

Yar.. Racial Harmony was fun. And i took pictures of it as photographer.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Its been a boring term so far ... nothing much happening and i dunno y. Cabal still pretty much the same, lvl 70 i havent had time to play and i have a couple projects coming my way. Meanwhile, nanhua choir had a BBQ party but due to GYmnastics i wasnt able to go... . never mind. not alot of people is attending gym now ya know. barely half of the people attnd each lesson. apparently its becuz the instructor hates us and we hate the instructor LOL. Still...

Finally managed to settle the class tshirt issue OFF my hands. still have some things to clean up but pretty much settled. its really fun to do the classtshirt and stuff though.. but its tiring and not really rewarding thanks to my "heartless" classmates... but seeing your design and hardwork on the t shirt really ROX.

another thing which happen on the same day i gave out the class tshirt!
i belong in bayley house, and i submitted my design for the bayley name card and my design got selected... cool rite

and they ask me to put my name in the side of the card ( which is about ezlinkcrd size)

so it was like:

classmate a: wow this card is nice!
b: eh how come got wenye's name ah?
c: wenye, did you design the card?

cool man!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

TiAmo- Aaron Yan Ft. Liu Li Yang

another superblyromantic song.
recently liuliyang came in 2nd runners up for china's singing competition, SuperGirl

I must say shes a rilly good singer!
together with aaron they look like a couple hahas

if yu all noe any good songs you can recommend them to me.. not that anyone's reading this blog haiz

ohya, tell me if you took veryvery long to load the blog, cuz i cant seem to open mine ... dunno why!

i have chinese HW to do , so another day bahs


mUsT sToP sLeEpInG iN cLaSs-

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

School's In Again

Hols Over
Nothing much happened during may~june, apart from a miserable class outing that only 5 people turned up.
But sentosa is quite a nice place to have fun...If you have $$
Everything there is $, $ ,$ and more $$
stupid plate of chixxrice $6.95 !!
But having said that, the sentosa luge was quite funn
were supposed to pay 10bucks for it,
but a rilly kind lady queuing up behind us gave us a copoate card and we only paid 6bucksz.
the ride up the thing was quite fun.. matt's flipflops almost slipped down haha
then back to school reopen... actually i juz realised that i have lykk alot of holidays soon.
this fridayy is hol
nextnextfridayy is hol again
and nextnextnext week is completely hol!
we have a new science teacher whose going to teach physics. my bio and genscience teacher last semester== horid
our new science teacher is our form teacher if you are feeling super bored, you can go to its my teacher blog.
be prepared to be bores There

I got a new pair of specs! thanks to matthew breaking them for me haha
but nvr minds
though this spec sux
its white and blue!
hopefully wehen i go to sch 2moro i wont look like a FRIKK


thats all bored people

linksL; shawntokCSS2blog

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Expressions II | WangZi- Nicholas Teo i went to nanyanggirlshigh to watch a concert by the performing arts members of NANHUA primary school, which was my primaryschool...

"Expressions 2"

I remember taking part in "Expressions" another concert by nanhuaps 2 years old.
t was really an experience for me, including all the other performances like 2007's musical, and during the 40th NDP!

here, i must congratulate all the performers today for such a nice sho. if any are readin' this blog, - keep up d good woork!


Wang Zi (Prince) by Nicholas Teo

Like the emo-punk elements!

Can't wait to perform this song soon....


Monday, May 26, 2008

Wo Men Xiao Shi Hou - TANK

TANK-Wo Men Xiao Shi Hou
Super Emo Pop Song.
Yar...thats the music video

recently i have just got hooked on to TANK's song
his songs are just so emo and sadly depressing
no dance or trance songs from him definitely!
others songs from him to try...
ZhuanShiTianShi(i sang this last year for nationalday leh!)
FeiNiMoShu(anothr emo song haha)


Friday, May 23, 2008

Long Time No See

relli long time since i posted..maybe the blog is dead but i revived it!
well ive been busy with school work, project work and exams...
so i have not been ablee to blog much

but 2day is the last day of semester 1, so i ,managed to find time to blog lor
actually im playing cabalonline now while blogging. im just punching stupid cragcrabs haha
theyre so dumb lor. but punching aint much fun
but still ...thats cabal for u about my life. yar.
homeowork and cca. relli getting vtired.
dunno wadtado
cabal also quite boring ler
now that ive reached the grinding and ppunching stage
u noe, when i punch, i must also look at my acc, cuz even though i have hpmp regen, gm might just come and ban me if i dont talk to them to prove that i aint boting
once i reach lvl 60, ll defenitely record my skills down in video
so look out for it folks!
omg its relli taking 4ever to skill up man
wdh is my character doing? i oso dunno
see u off

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nan Hua Pri SYF GOLD!

woots. 2day was veryvery happy. in 2006, the nh choir went to the SYF competition and got a silver. This year, they went again, with hope of getting lucky and clinching silver. guess what? they got GOLD!'
im super happy for the nh choir as i was in the choir too!!
they really showed the nanhua spirit like how rafflesians show the rafflesian spirit.
if any nanhua choir members are reading htis.. jiayouz on !

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wardrobe Revamp!

Woots. After today's friggin' wardrobe malfuction...i finally managed to find time to buy some clothing lol.

I bought 4 shirts(2formal,2outdoor) and 1 pair of berms. all for only 61bucks!

people out there . you should go to bugisstreet to buy your stuff. although its not ideal place, the fashionstuff there are friggin' cheap.

so|cheap and trendy lol


Friday, April 18, 2008