Thursday, September 25, 2008

okay, the first song here,
雨天yu tian - sunyanzi
if a very touching and emotional song.
i heard it right after the news that i didnt make it through to the finals of spotlight
"谁能体谅我的雨天 所以情愿回你身边"
"Who out there, can comfort me?"
i felt that this song really tied in with my feelings at that time, sad, confused, and disappointed.
but ive gotten over it now, most likely it was due to the fact that my voice is still developing, thats why my throat still hurts now and then.

but... even after something in your life has failed, and you feel very disappointed,
theres always hope and never stop trying!this song,
is a song about hope, endurance, and " never stop trying".
我们是不是该知足 "
"look at the world now,
how many people, are still living to make sure they survive,
shouldnt we feel contented with what we have?"

when ever we feel disappointed and dejected, just remember that there are people who are worse off than you, people who are living for the sake of living,
while youu most probably have just failed a class test.

yups, this weeks recommended songs tie in with my thoughts now, im happy to say!

also, just wondering, how many of you bother to listen to the songs i recommend?
cuz gradually, i feel that my blog is turning into a place where i can filter the songs ive heard, and promote good songs to you!

do continue to support my blogg!

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