Sunday, July 6, 2008

Its been a boring term so far ... nothing much happening and i dunno y. Cabal still pretty much the same, lvl 70 i havent had time to play and i have a couple projects coming my way. Meanwhile, nanhua choir had a BBQ party but due to GYmnastics i wasnt able to go... . never mind. not alot of people is attending gym now ya know. barely half of the people attnd each lesson. apparently its becuz the instructor hates us and we hate the instructor LOL. Still...

Finally managed to settle the class tshirt issue OFF my hands. still have some things to clean up but pretty much settled. its really fun to do the classtshirt and stuff though.. but its tiring and not really rewarding thanks to my "heartless" classmates... but seeing your design and hardwork on the t shirt really ROX.

another thing which happen on the same day i gave out the class tshirt!
i belong in bayley house, and i submitted my design for the bayley name card and my design got selected... cool rite

and they ask me to put my name in the side of the card ( which is about ezlinkcrd size)

so it was like:

classmate a: wow this card is nice!
b: eh how come got wenye's name ah?
c: wenye, did you design the card?

cool man!


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