Wednesday, August 20, 2008

today was one of the weirdest day for me...

I went to school, and the school bus was slightly late, so we reached school later than usual, and then when i reached school, everyone was busy with their creativewritingpoetry portfolio, but i already did i, only then i realise that i didnt bring the drafts for the three poems! I was so fed up with myself but anyway i decided to quickly write out the draft again, during the FTI period , then my form teacher saw it and confiscated it... lyk WDH!
anyway lucky during recess i got it back, but during english lesson, the teacher needed to use the bloody visualiser, then the visualiser started to screw itself. it was spoilt and i couldn't fix it! So pissed off, somemore the whole class was looking at me lyk " what u cant fix it" that kind of look
hey people, you think everything can be fixed so easily, somemore with just some tiny piece of blutack? i did my best and u all are so ungrateful!
anyway, nothing much happened after that until maths, when mr chandru singled me out and told the whole class that i didnt do that well in the test because i hadnt brought a calculator, lyk it was completely my fault?
what mr chandru fails to realise is that people have times when they didnt bring stuff, like how there was once he didnt bring his pencil case and had to borrow from my classmates rite?

but the funniest part of my day was during lunch and the lesson after. during lunch, everyone was having little fights that were being recorded down, so if you wanna see them, go check out mii links ^^

then during CLE, the teacher caught our class monitor matthew using his handphone in class and she confiscated it. and because we were learning a topic about love and crushes, she though it would be funny to send a message to the first girl name she saw in the contact list. she wrote : " i really love you but i didnt dare to tell u before" to a girl called cheryl yip in his contact list. anyway that was what she told us.
actually, she hadnt pressed the send button, but the message and receipient was really typed out. during the end of the lesson she revealed the truth and then illyas said to her " i bet you didnt send because you dont dare" and then our class kept chanting it and in the end she sent the message. hahas

poor luck matthew !

i have some test tommorow i think ( notice the word i think !) so i better go and study... hmm


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