Sunday, August 17, 2008

CCTs with CabalOnline

its been a long time since ive posted i think...
due to the CCTs which aren't over yet, and a sudden rush of projects with very close deadline...haix

just on friday Ravin(who is seating next to me) had to change place with Li Hong ( Lee Mong ).

So its pretty sad cuz me and ravin have developed some frenship >.<

But some good news: As of now, my Cabal JustMeWayne is LvL 97 ler!
this means that I have 1 more level to Patren,patren quest ( which i will repeat from 98-100) and 3 more levels to the big 100~!
why big 100? cuz it makes the 2 digit jump into 3 digit! btw, congratz to Perry for reaching lvl 100 first than me ^^( u can read his blog - check out my links section *)

the first 4 things i will do when i reach lvl 100:
1. Rank Up Quest ( heard its tough) duh...
and maybe complete Patren,patren quest ( see how 1st)
2. PvP people / go war channel (finnaly)
3. Go shopping in CC1 ~! ( buy shineguard bahx)
4. Celebrate with GuildMembers, BL, and PerryTeo! ( maybe EoD/ RS party - see hw first ^^)

hmmm. muz JYJY!

But mostly likely i wont hit 100 so soon cuz CCTs have just started and will rear their ugly head for another irritaiting 2 weeks
practically all the subjects ( thats 11) will have tests. some will be harder, some will be easier, so i must mug lyk crazy.
besides, PTM forms have already been given out and my Chinese teacher specially requested to see my parents so im DEAD

but with an average GPA of 3.6 in total , i dont thinks that's bad eh?


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