Saturday, February 21, 2009

just ytd i felt really pissed about people complaining to RI about the students behavior.
i can understand if people complain that RI students have been littering or spewing vulgarities at people, but what the person complained about was just stupid.
according to our year head, she wrote that she saw 2 RI students at the McDonald's outlet asking the staff there to clear a tray that was left at one of the empty tables. what is so wrong with that man?
she said that the students should have cleared the table themself, as other people did with their trays.
but that was what i found just annoying.
i also agree that the students should clear their own tables, but they dont have to clear other people's tables right?
its not the students fault for not clearing other people's mess, but if they left their own trays after eating, then the students might be at fault. but the problem is with the previous customer who sat there.
i hate it when singaporeans write letters into newspapers or just plain complain about tiny issues. just learn to accept it can?

k im not going to let other people's attitudes bother me
i recently found this song, Yue Lai Yue Ai (Loving More and More)
by Fahrenheit

i find it quite nice, so just check it out :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

stupid dumb weather

omg the weather has been so hot for the past weekend !
no, im not talking about valentine's day... (hot...geddit?)
the weather is so hot that the air is suffocating...
heng our classroom got aircon!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

omg so kawaii !
this song, Bu Ke Si Yi (Unbelievable), by Jin Sha, really brings out her 'cuteness'

i first heard this song when watching JJ Lin's Concert Video, as she was his guest star, and she sang this song. however, i didnt know what was the name of the song, and i only found out recently o.o

next, im selling a lvl 107 Venus ForceBlader Cabal Account.Comes fully equipped with armour and:
Upgrade Core High
Upgrade Core Medium
Upgrade Core Low
Force Core High
Force Core Low
Force Core Medium
Map Parts
Plate of Honours
Crafting Materials
Eod b2F
Dungeon Cards
RS cards
and about 1b in Alz (excluding above items)
Offer me a price by sending a email to
or leave a comment here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

join on Sanctuary server NOW!

yay ive just created a guild in PerfectWorld,
its called
check out the guild web at
anyone who is looking for a friendly and engaging guild can contact me by leaving a post here,
or PM me in-game.
btw, is in Sanctuary.
As long as you are above lvl 10, and willing to talk, join Arise!
Also, it is recommended that you live in Asia, and normally online during the afternoon-evening (+8GMT)
ill include more information on the guild web soon and add a link to it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

well, chinese new year's over, and to me, it didnt seem really like celebration at all
it was too short , only 2 days before we had to go back to school.
i rmb last year's was for 4 days i think
cuz the holiday was on thursday and friday, so celebration could extend to saturday and sun day 0.o
however, even though the celebration was short, i still got to meet up with all of my relatives within the short 2 days span :)
but we didnt play 'ban-luk' at all, instead my cousins played with the Wii ...
haha maybe i should call it loss of tradition :P

okay today i was surfing through youtube and i found this song by Wang Lee Hom
its titled 心跳 ( Heart beat)
its really emotional and a touching song.
i feel that wang leehom is a really great singer and composer.
apart from one of his newer songs : 摇滚怎么了

its a really crap song.
and yes, he really has something wrong when he wrote the lyrics :
"Whats Wrong With Me"....
reallly got problem, :P

now, i promise i will update more often, but must also read k?
rmb to tag if you like my blog -.-

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

yay! the first week of the school term has ended, and nothing bad has happened much :P
of course, after the first interaction with the new teachers, i must say that i dont really like some of the teachers. im okay with the teachers that followed up with us though
anyway, im not sure how many of you all watched The Little Nyonya on CH8, but i watched it and i really liked it alot :)
so, today, I will introduce the theme song of The Little Nyonya, 如燕 Ru Yan.

hmm. this is the extended version of the theme song, and i find it really nice.

what i noticed is that, after hearing lots of pop songs and rock, I found Ru Yan a refreshing song to listen to. It's melody was relaxing and flowy, giving the impression of it being a soulful song.
The lyrics are also extremely meaningful: When you examine each stanza, you realise that the lyrics are written like a poem, and the words are graceful and impressive.









I have inserted the lyrics, hopefully you will be able to realise how nice the lyrics are,
and also the english translation, credits go to yournemesis , Channel8 Forums.

Sweet dreams abound when the eyes softly close,

Do not let remorse blemished the past…

Perhaps it is the shattered fragments that allow memories to unfold,

So why not assemble the broken vase to paint a vision of tomorrow?

Who will bring me to seek after my happiness?

But ended up lost and trapped…

Who will leave me the deepest love at the ends of the world?

This keepsake will smear the afterglow.

Like a swallow, my heart yearnings flutter away at the tip of the tongue.

If this is true love, it will be a bittersweet love.

My thoughts are in a whirl as they linger with time.

Where will it be for this to come to an end?

Like the needles and thread, the swallow weave its way through the sky.

The embroideries are going to be embellished with tears...

Promises are vague and romance is just a passing…

In times of hardships, let my steps be filled with grace…

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's A New Year, but nothing new about 2009

yups.. i know i have not been posting for the last 2 months, but thats mainly due to the fact that its the holidays, and there's nothing to post about :P
so... since school has reopened, there will be alot of things for me to post about !!! yayx!
anyways, the first day of school has started, and ended too.
nothing much has changed though, even though i have moved up to become a secondary 2Q, my classmates are still the same, and even worse : my form teacher is still the same.. haix
yups mr pang sze kiang is still our form teacher. he's still the same person, even though we just had him for 1.5hours, still easily distracted and not focused!!! the only thing about him that has changed is the little ring on his fourth finger. yups he's married during the holidays and he didnt invite us to his wedding >.< ( not like i want to go liddat doh :P)
you can link to his blog :
the people in the class is still the same, same classmates, BUT different CEC
now, lihong is the monitor, and ashwin is the assisstant monitor.
great choice haha~ lihong deserves to be the monitor since he's such a great guy
but for ashwin argh... on the same day he was trying to make the class quiet, and he failed miserably at it. he just couldnt shout loud enough to silence the class. hahax epic fail
jiawei is the class treasurer, and it was a uanimous decision by the class. i mean, like, how can people like wenrui be class treasurer??? sot ah go nominate yourself :P
sadly, this year 2Q is situated at the senior block 3rd level, thats the highest level for the senior block. and we have quite a great view of the crematorium if we come out of the classroom towards the side. oops..
the first thing that our class noticed was the distance the toilet was from the classroom. im not complaining though, means that i can skip more time out of those boring lessons( especially if mrs selvan teaches us english again)
even though it was the first day of school, we havent met much of our teachers yet. so far, it is unconfirmed that our maths teacher is mr chandru, the rest we havent found out yet.
haha lihong is not happy that chandru is our math teacher. haha bad luck lol

okay, i know i have recommended alot of songs during the past year. so , i will continue this "tradition" for this year too
to start it off, here's Sing石欣卉's new EP, 女皇駕到,from her album,女皇
xinhuey's previous songs didnt make such an impact on me, but when i heard her new song on TV, i quite liked it. hope you like it too :P

its quite an upbeat song to listen too. but i personally find her singing too harsh on the ears. her singing is quite rough too. but still, i feel it will be a hit.

during the weekend i visited the marina barrage, and i will post about once i have transferred the pictures over. i dont have alot of time >.<

Monday, December 8, 2008

i think i have set a record
so long never post ler... actually now i feel that there is nothing to post AT ALL
i want school to reopen now, its so boring to be cooped up at home with nothing to do
actually not nothing to do, cuz i finally found a game that is more fun than Getamped and CABAL
Perfect World International
Although i have only played it for a while, it is actually a very promising game
It has everything I want in a game, apart from two things:
1. Weird angle controls - You have to use the rightmouse button to move th camera angle
2. Chinese Theme - the game was developed my chinese developers


its 2.4GB to download btw. so decide it well!

Monday, November 17, 2008

nvr blog longlong ler
dont feel like blogging
nothing much to blog.
perhaps due to the fact that its the holiday
holidays are so boring :P
actually now that its the hols, i wish that its school, cuz at least theres something interesting to do.
now during holiday its like... so boring cuz theres nothing to do.
maybe i should blame the class for this:
come to think of it, the last class outing we had to the movies was very well managed.
at least it had a better turnout rate, as compared to the previous ones
lihong must jyjy for CEC monitor next year.:P
actually, high school musical 3's soundtrack is really good.
the movie was crap, plot was messy;
but the soundtrack is great
there is a great variety of songs
from romantic, to rock, to pop.
my recommendation is "Can I Have This Dance"

its really meaningful :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

quantum of solace is a really nice movie.
im bloggin in ernest's house now, and his house is damm cool =.=
matthew, and jerome are at his house to. they're playing halo3 now...
we just watched quantum of solace and its a brilliant action flick. thumbs up!
1 year has passed super duper quick, and now its the end of school already :P

i think this song " What time is it?" from HSM2 can really express my feelings now!

no time to blog ler, sorry~~
need to rush for class outing or lihong will screw me :P
but anyways , ive watched HSM3, and i found it boring compared to the previous 2 HSMs.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

its been super long since ive blogged, and i know it..
its only that i dont feel like blogging.
especially when the past week has been moving extremely slow.
theres another 2 more days till the hols
for the past week, apart from monday, we have been receiving back our results and going through review and reflect lesson for the various subjects
for the past year, ive noticed that life in RI has been going at a really fast speed.
definitely much faster than in primary school.
despite this, this week has been super slow, especially when we are going through the answers.
when i got back my results, i was quite disappointed as i didnt reach my target of a 3.6
instead, i got a 3.53...
my worst 2 subjects were mathematics and chinese, as usual, :P
anyways, with only 2 more days to the hols, i feel that i shouldnt be complaining!
the class outing is going to be organized by lihong very soon, and theyve decided on a movie in bishan.

what movie, its not selected yet though.
i think high school musical 3 would be a good choice though.
i just recently watched hsm at home at i was quite thrilled with the whole show in all.
its a lighthearted show that can cheer you up in no time :P

btw, heres a message to lihong:~ jiayoux for being monitor next year!~
you can read his blog by checking my links section( exits).
thats all for now anyways, maybe 2moro ill blog again?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the exams are finally over, and I cant wait to celebrate!
sadly though, the exams ended with a difficult paper.
i didnt expect such a difficult paper, as last year's paper was super easy.
i suppose its due to the fact that mr chandru is the maths head this year...
but now that my exam is over, i have to spend time to coach my sister. its like taking the whole exam again, and my sister is not helping.
i keep on making worksheets for her, but she just looks at the first question, and decides that the whole worksheet is difficult. really waste my time lor.
i wouldnt want to coach her if my parents didnt nag me to do so.
just today, the condominium i was living in had a scheduled power cut.
it was like, the whole room dark, the air still, and to put it simply, without electricity, it was HELL
infact, now in retrospect, i feel that without electricity, we wouldnt be able to function.
everything would be dark and stuffy, as the lights and fan wouldnt work; we wouldnt be able to use our computers, watch tv, or even cool things down in the fridge.
looks like electricity is really a must, even with the price soaring.

heres a lively and hip song by wilberpan,


i really felt quite high after hearing this song and watching the dance moves,despite it being about 3 years old. some songs just dont lose their punch after a few years, like this song.
this song also features angela chang, before she became famous with the song,
Ying Xing De Chi Bang( transparent wings)

this song is soulful and melodic, with angela showing off her powerful vocals.
lastly, to hype up the mood, this song by S.H.E, Mei Li Xin Shi Jie ( Beautiful New World)
is a cute and lively song, although the beginning, which is in japanese, is a little monotonic.

really hope you all like the 3 songs i recommended today!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

yups, i know its long since ive posted, but cuz its the exam, so i cant post =.=
anyways, this post will be a short one, just promoting these 2 songs
the first song,
jj lin-xiao jiu wo - 林俊傑lin jun jie jj&蔡卓妍 ah sa
is a romantic duet. i was quite surprised that Jin Sha didnt sing the duet with him though, cuz she did for the past 2 duets.
this song is from his new album, "always online"
the second song,
ni zuo tian qiao,wo zou di xia dao
is a song from Derrick Ho's first album
its quite a nice song, isnt it?

okay, im try to post more after the exams!

Friday, October 3, 2008

yups, today was the RE congress!
its actually pretty boring and we ended up playing "freeze and melt", "marco polo", and lihong's self invented card game in class.
then matthew had a crazy spree of _____.
yar,fill in the blanks >.<
anyway, after the congress thing, me,lihong,and jiawei went to eat at LJS.
the food there is simply delicious, apart from the fact that its a little bit small portions.
then after that, we followed jiawei to MiniToons to buy a present for his judo coach's 1 y/o baby
he actually spent like $50 in one go leh... so richh
then i saw the shop selling this thing called "barrel of slime" , and lihong wanted it too, so we bought it at 2 for $2

hahax its quite fun playing with it lol, i feel like im back in primary school
so, later we went back home 2gether

ohya, i havent wrote about the movie ,

which is simply brilliant-e
i actually though the movie was great, especially in the beginning. the story is about how 2 ordinary citizens are threatened by an unknown caller to do terrorist acts. as the story unfolds, it is noticed that the caller is a computer, ARIA, who was developed by the Defense Force to store all data on it.
ARIA has complete control over the technological parts of the city; for example, the trafficlights, trains, phones, security cameras,GPS, and even the Internet, etc.
this allows for thrilling action scenes, such as in the beginning, where the two citizens drive a car through the streets, following the instructions of ARIA appearing on the GPS screen.

but still, the ending is a little cliche and boring, but it has succeeded in making the audience apprehensive in using technology.

this show is a must watch, and it delivers, not surprisingly when steven spielberg played pivotal role in the development of the movie.

a must watch !!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

tomorrow is a public holiday!
anyway, 2day was children's day in my sister's school, and she brought back alot of stuff from the celebrations.
then she got this bubble-blower thing. its actually some paste which can be put onto a straw and blown to become a bubble.
then i blew a bubble with it,(actually i tried 4 times and failed =.=)
its a very nice looking one :P
then my sister blew a small one, and she was playing with both of them
one was big, and the other smaller,
then both accidentally stuck to each other, and it looked like a snowman haha
like they mated or sumthing~

anyways, 2moro a couple of us are going to j8 and watch the movie Eagle Eye

here's the sypnosis:

Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) and Rachel Holloman (Monaghan) are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situation, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. As the situation escalates, these two ordinary people become the country's most wanted fugitives, who must work together to discover what is really happening -– and more importantly, why.

it sounds quite interesting though

so we're going to gather at Macs at about 12.45
so to those who arent coming, too bad :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

殺手 Sha Shou - 林俊杰 JJ
this is one of the most scary songs, and scary MVs ive heard so far.
its a really dark song. the video is so dark that it was censored in singapore
thats why i decided not to post the video.

its one of the best songs ive heard.
definitely must listen!
okay, the first song here,
雨天yu tian - sunyanzi
if a very touching and emotional song.
i heard it right after the news that i didnt make it through to the finals of spotlight
"谁能体谅我的雨天 所以情愿回你身边"
"Who out there, can comfort me?"
i felt that this song really tied in with my feelings at that time, sad, confused, and disappointed.
but ive gotten over it now, most likely it was due to the fact that my voice is still developing, thats why my throat still hurts now and then.

but... even after something in your life has failed, and you feel very disappointed,
theres always hope and never stop trying!this song,
is a song about hope, endurance, and " never stop trying".
我们是不是该知足 "
"look at the world now,
how many people, are still living to make sure they survive,
shouldnt we feel contented with what we have?"

when ever we feel disappointed and dejected, just remember that there are people who are worse off than you, people who are living for the sake of living,
while youu most probably have just failed a class test.

yups, this weeks recommended songs tie in with my thoughts now, im happy to say!

also, just wondering, how many of you bother to listen to the songs i recommend?
cuz gradually, i feel that my blog is turning into a place where i can filter the songs ive heard, and promote good songs to you!

do continue to support my blogg!
so many things happened during the past few days, and im going to post some songs too!

on tuesday the results of the preliminary auditions for rafflesian spotlight have been realeased and i wasnt selected, so never mind =.=
anyway ill JYJY de, thanks for all the support you all ppl have given me!
also on the same day, we had the science practical theory, and i dont think i screwed it up ^.^


then on wednesday, something happened that made me quite lol-ing
halfway through lunch, when i had went back to class, there was a loud commotion outside our classroom.
i went out and i saw a group of neighbouring class people crowding around in a circle and looking at something on the floor.
when i went nearer, i realised that someone had actually been injured and was bleeding at the head, and lying on the floor, with a tissue paper at the site of injury, trying to stop the blood flow, which obviously didnt work >.<

anyway, i heard people discussing, and it was mentioned that he had been pushed accidentally in the class and feel, with his head hitting the edge of the table
then i was like wondering, how come he would be outside if he was injured?
and there was like a huge load of people surrounding him, and no one helped.
only slightly later, a teacher walked by and they enlisted her help.
which means out geography class was started late as our geog teacher had to attend to this matter, which anyway later she said it was not really serious and they did not need to call an ambulance.
i really pity xinmeng, the person who was injured, coz he always seems to be injured at critical moments. last year, he injured his right hand about 1-2 months b4 the PSLE, and now he injures his head 3weeks b4 EOYS...

but anyway some good news after some depressing ones,
ytd we did our practical test, and im quite happy to write that i obtained good samples of charcoal and iron fillings.
then i went to heat the copper2sulphate solution and prolly cuz i was lucky, i stopped at the time where my teacher said that heating was to be stopped for safety reasons.
and after i left it to cool, i noticed crystals forming on the surface already, so i was pretty excited.
anyway, i left it overnight at the science lab, and today, when i went to obtained the crystals, i was extremely happy cuz i was worried that there might not be samples to obtain, but i had so much that some people took my sample =.=
most prolly ill get the 4 marks for the practical part, whoopee!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

its a brilliantly rousing and uniting song in celebration of asean 40th anniversary in 2006 by stefanie sun

thumbs up!