Saturday, February 21, 2009

just ytd i felt really pissed about people complaining to RI about the students behavior.
i can understand if people complain that RI students have been littering or spewing vulgarities at people, but what the person complained about was just stupid.
according to our year head, she wrote that she saw 2 RI students at the McDonald's outlet asking the staff there to clear a tray that was left at one of the empty tables. what is so wrong with that man?
she said that the students should have cleared the table themself, as other people did with their trays.
but that was what i found just annoying.
i also agree that the students should clear their own tables, but they dont have to clear other people's tables right?
its not the students fault for not clearing other people's mess, but if they left their own trays after eating, then the students might be at fault. but the problem is with the previous customer who sat there.
i hate it when singaporeans write letters into newspapers or just plain complain about tiny issues. just learn to accept it can?

k im not going to let other people's attitudes bother me
i recently found this song, Yue Lai Yue Ai (Loving More and More)
by Fahrenheit

i find it quite nice, so just check it out :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

stupid dumb weather

omg the weather has been so hot for the past weekend !
no, im not talking about valentine's day... (hot...geddit?)
the weather is so hot that the air is suffocating...
heng our classroom got aircon!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

omg so kawaii !
this song, Bu Ke Si Yi (Unbelievable), by Jin Sha, really brings out her 'cuteness'

i first heard this song when watching JJ Lin's Concert Video, as she was his guest star, and she sang this song. however, i didnt know what was the name of the song, and i only found out recently o.o

next, im selling a lvl 107 Venus ForceBlader Cabal Account.Comes fully equipped with armour and:
Upgrade Core High
Upgrade Core Medium
Upgrade Core Low
Force Core High
Force Core Low
Force Core Medium
Map Parts
Plate of Honours
Crafting Materials
Eod b2F
Dungeon Cards
RS cards
and about 1b in Alz (excluding above items)
Offer me a price by sending a email to
or leave a comment here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

join on Sanctuary server NOW!

yay ive just created a guild in PerfectWorld,
its called
check out the guild web at
anyone who is looking for a friendly and engaging guild can contact me by leaving a post here,
or PM me in-game.
btw, is in Sanctuary.
As long as you are above lvl 10, and willing to talk, join Arise!
Also, it is recommended that you live in Asia, and normally online during the afternoon-evening (+8GMT)
ill include more information on the guild web soon and add a link to it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

well, chinese new year's over, and to me, it didnt seem really like celebration at all
it was too short , only 2 days before we had to go back to school.
i rmb last year's was for 4 days i think
cuz the holiday was on thursday and friday, so celebration could extend to saturday and sun day 0.o
however, even though the celebration was short, i still got to meet up with all of my relatives within the short 2 days span :)
but we didnt play 'ban-luk' at all, instead my cousins played with the Wii ...
haha maybe i should call it loss of tradition :P

okay today i was surfing through youtube and i found this song by Wang Lee Hom
its titled 心跳 ( Heart beat)
its really emotional and a touching song.
i feel that wang leehom is a really great singer and composer.
apart from one of his newer songs : 摇滚怎么了

its a really crap song.
and yes, he really has something wrong when he wrote the lyrics :
"Whats Wrong With Me"....
reallly got problem, :P

now, i promise i will update more often, but must also read k?
rmb to tag if you like my blog -.-