Tuesday, January 13, 2009

yay! the first week of the school term has ended, and nothing bad has happened much :P
of course, after the first interaction with the new teachers, i must say that i dont really like some of the teachers. im okay with the teachers that followed up with us though
anyway, im not sure how many of you all watched The Little Nyonya on CH8, but i watched it and i really liked it alot :)
so, today, I will introduce the theme song of The Little Nyonya, 如燕 Ru Yan.

hmm. this is the extended version of the theme song, and i find it really nice.

what i noticed is that, after hearing lots of pop songs and rock, I found Ru Yan a refreshing song to listen to. It's melody was relaxing and flowy, giving the impression of it being a soulful song.
The lyrics are also extremely meaningful: When you examine each stanza, you realise that the lyrics are written like a poem, and the words are graceful and impressive.









I have inserted the lyrics, hopefully you will be able to realise how nice the lyrics are,
and also the english translation, credits go to yournemesis , Channel8 Forums.

Sweet dreams abound when the eyes softly close,

Do not let remorse blemished the past…

Perhaps it is the shattered fragments that allow memories to unfold,

So why not assemble the broken vase to paint a vision of tomorrow?

Who will bring me to seek after my happiness?

But ended up lost and trapped…

Who will leave me the deepest love at the ends of the world?

This keepsake will smear the afterglow.

Like a swallow, my heart yearnings flutter away at the tip of the tongue.

If this is true love, it will be a bittersweet love.

My thoughts are in a whirl as they linger with time.

Where will it be for this to come to an end?

Like the needles and thread, the swallow weave its way through the sky.

The embroideries are going to be embellished with tears...

Promises are vague and romance is just a passing…

In times of hardships, let my steps be filled with grace…

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's A New Year, but nothing new about 2009

yups.. i know i have not been posting for the last 2 months, but thats mainly due to the fact that its the holidays, and there's nothing to post about :P
so... since school has reopened, there will be alot of things for me to post about !!! yayx!
anyways, the first day of school has started, and ended too.
nothing much has changed though, even though i have moved up to become a secondary 2Q, my classmates are still the same, and even worse : my form teacher is still the same.. haix
yups mr pang sze kiang is still our form teacher. he's still the same person, even though we just had him for 1.5hours, still easily distracted and not focused!!! the only thing about him that has changed is the little ring on his fourth finger. yups he's married during the holidays and he didnt invite us to his wedding >.< ( not like i want to go liddat doh :P)
you can link to his blog : lovingeveryday.blogspot.com
the people in the class is still the same, same classmates, BUT different CEC
now, lihong is the monitor, and ashwin is the assisstant monitor.
great choice haha~ lihong deserves to be the monitor since he's such a great guy
but for ashwin argh... on the same day he was trying to make the class quiet, and he failed miserably at it. he just couldnt shout loud enough to silence the class. hahax epic fail
jiawei is the class treasurer, and it was a uanimous decision by the class. i mean, like, how can people like wenrui be class treasurer??? sot ah go nominate yourself :P
sadly, this year 2Q is situated at the senior block 3rd level, thats the highest level for the senior block. and we have quite a great view of the crematorium if we come out of the classroom towards the side. oops..
the first thing that our class noticed was the distance the toilet was from the classroom. im not complaining though, means that i can skip more time out of those boring lessons( especially if mrs selvan teaches us english again)
even though it was the first day of school, we havent met much of our teachers yet. so far, it is unconfirmed that our maths teacher is mr chandru, the rest we havent found out yet.
haha lihong is not happy that chandru is our math teacher. haha bad luck lol

okay, i know i have recommended alot of songs during the past year. so , i will continue this "tradition" for this year too
to start it off, here's Sing石欣卉's new EP, 女皇駕到,from her album,女皇
xinhuey's previous songs didnt make such an impact on me, but when i heard her new song on TV, i quite liked it. hope you like it too :P

its quite an upbeat song to listen too. but i personally find her singing too harsh on the ears. her singing is quite rough too. but still, i feel it will be a hit.

during the weekend i visited the marina barrage, and i will post about once i have transferred the pictures over. i dont have alot of time >.<